

诱导肾癌细胞自杀ByJoePalca杨晓斌译A researcher has found a potential放射和化疗方法治疗肾 new therapy for patients with kidney癌的效果历来都不很理想, cancer,which historically hasn’t re一一位研究人员为此找到了针 sponded well to treatments such as对肾癌患者的一种可能的新 radiation and chemotherapy.型疗法。Most kidney,or renal,ceils with斯坦福大学医学院的癌.●.…..●-….-●.…‘_●-…._●.…..●.…..●-….●.~._●●~.●_…._●.…..●-…._●.…。●●.…‘.●.…..●_…_.●.…..●●…--●.…..●_…..●-…..●-…-.●●.….●_…‘●●●…..●-…_.●●….●●..….●●..ThePhoeniX mission iS not direct— ly looking for life onMars,but rather whether conditions for habitability ever existed.In the wet chemistry experi— ment.water was mixed into the soil to produceMartian mud.Then the apparatus performed the same sorts of tests that gardeners use to test the condition of their soil.The pH1evel was between8 and9,Dr.Kounaves said.ThePH,or potential of hydrogen,reflects the con— centration of hydrogen ions,or acidity, of a substance and usually varies be— tween0 and14,with7 considered neutral.(The water ofEarth’S oceans, for comparison,has a pH of8.2.)The experiment also found the presence of magnesium,sodium,potassium and chloride ions in the soil.“There’S nothing about it that would preclude life。”Dr.Kounaves said.“In fact,it seems very friend一1y.”厂](FromTheNew y0柏Time5)凤凰号探测器的使命不在于直接寻找火星上的生命,而是探索火星上是否曾经有过适合居住的条件。在湿度化学实验中,土壤里面加了水用来生成火星泥。然后器械就会进行检测,如同园丁检测他们的土壤情况那样。库纳维斯博士说,火星土壤的pH水平在8到9之间。pH值,或者酸碱度,反映了某种物质的氢离子浓度,或者酸值,它通常在0到14之间,7被认为是中性的。(作为比较,地球上海水的 pH值是8.2。)这个实验还发现了火星的土壤中存在镁、钠、钾和氯离子。“这还不能说明下一步就会发现生命”,库纳维斯博士指出。“事实上,这种可能性看来很大”。■一竺塑一cancer have10st a gene calledVHL. saysAmatoGiaccia,a cancer researcher at theStanfordUniversitySchool ofMedicine.As he reports in the iournalCancerCell。Giaccia has found a new compound。ST卜。that kills kidney cancer cells missingVHL.The drug works by altering a nat— ural process inside cells.A1l ceils have a kind of internal recycling process, called autophagy,that breaks down compounds and reuses their chemicals.Normally,there iS a balance,Giaccia says.“If you have too much of this process,you drive the cells into death,” he says.That’S what the new corn— pound does,targeting kidney cancer cells1ackingVHL.“Autophagy has been really trou— blesome as(tO)whether it’S a mech— anism that keeps the cells alive or it’S a mechanism that you can utilize to promote cell death,”saysKimrynRathmell,who studies kidney cancer at theUniversity ofNorthCarolina atChapelHill.Rathmell saysGiaccia’S work iS part of a new direction for researchers looking for cancer therapies.“If we can find the linchpin that keeps the cancer going,and we can target that specifically,then those drugs can have really tremendous potential to either induce very long-term remission,stable disease or even cure,”Rathmell says.So far,the new drug has only been effective in mice.TheStanfordE潞症研究员阿玛托·加西亚说,已经癌变的腰子或说肾脏,其细胞丧失了一种名为VHI.的基因。他在《癌细胞》杂志上论述说,他发现的新型化合物STF-,能够杀灭肾脏里VHL缺失的癌细胞。该药物通过改变细胞内的一个自然过程起作用。所有细胞都有一种内部再循环过程——自体吞噬——可以分解化合物并重新利用其化学物质。加西亚说,这一过程通常都是平衡的。他说,“如果强化这一过程,就可以将癌细胞逼上绝路,”以缺少VHL的肾脏癌细胞为攻击目标,那种新的化合物正是如此作用的。在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校研究肾癌的金姆林·拉斯梅尔说,“至于自体吞噬的机制到底是维持细胞存活还是可用于加速细胞死亡,这可的确是个令人棘手的问题。”、他说,加西亚的研究对于探索癌症疗法的研究人员而言也是一个新的方向。“如果能够发现癌症渐变的关键所在,我们就能够做到有的放矢,那些药物便能够在长期缓解症状、稳定病情甚至完全治愈方面显现出真正巨大的潜力。”新药到目前为止还只是对老鼠有效,斯坦福大学的研GetSmarter

